Master Planning
Planning For Your Districts Future
Prior to the design phase, WRA highly recommends developing a Master Plan, either District-wide or campus-specific.
Projecting your District's needs from both an enrollment and instructional basis for the next 10-15 years provides a clearer vision of the long-term use and layout of your facilities. This helps prevent a misstep in the first phase of the proposed building process.
Photogrammetry with drones, which is the process of taking 3D information from photographs, we can capture existing site and building conditions and transform it into a 3D point cloud model to be referenced for real-world data. We can also take that realistic 3D information and implement it into our renderings for real-world visualization, creating the most realistic master plans for you and your community.
The Master Plan would be developed in a process of weighing and prioritizing the issues and each course of action identified in the Facility Assessment. If a Facilities Committee is involved in helping District Administration determine future facility planning, then the committee members would be involved in review sessions with WRA through the process of designing the Master Plan. District Administration would also be working closely with WRA in the development and phasing of the overall Master Plan.